Monday, September 19, 2011

You and me......


你的出现,让我变得贪生怕死. . .
因为,我害怕. . .

Friday, April 8, 2011

Here my collection of COKE.....


                                                                                                                                             Most of it bought from Malaysia , Hatyai and some of it get from my friend. Thanks for friend that helping me a lot in the collection of coke.

How to protect the coke cans or glass bottles?

There a common problem faced by "can collector" that is after a period of time aluminum can will burst or have leakage. This is due to the chemical reaction that happens inside the can itself. Mostly, the collector will decide to keep the beauty of the can by draining the remaining inside.

Here are some step to drain the coke can by take the remaining out through the top of the can opener. First of all, twisting the can opener in one side. Then make a marked where to create a small drain hole. After that, opening a hole for drainage, turn the can upside down to allow the remaining to drain slowly. Besides that, if you wanna increase the speed of draining, it's best to shake the can on a vertical motion continuously. In case if you realized there are still small amount of the drink is left inside the can, you can dry it off easily using hair dryer or hot water poured on the back of the can to allow the water to evaporate as steam.

On the other hand, glass bottle is easier to take care which you can use any oil (cooking oils), to wipe the glass which will normally be stained with scratches over a period of time. With this, you will able to maintain it’s beauty for at least 1 year before cleaning it again. While for the bottle caps, apply a thin layer of transparent nail polisher to act as an overlay. It is widely available on any departmental stores. This is an important step to maintain the glass bottle’s beauty. This is due to a period of time, glass bottles that has unprotected bottle caps will have a thin layer of white particle formed on top of the drink which will look unpleasing which is normally caused by the rust from the bottle cap that is exposed to the open air.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hatyai, Thailand.......


Water View Restaurant

Micky Watch

Movie list

Friday, March 18, 2011

Cameron Highland......

              There was a trip of school microelectronic to Cameron Highlands. The trip was smooth and thank god we are safe. Weather was cool and the sky was just suit enough for us to take photo. When the cold wind arrive towards you direction, you will feel it kissing gently with its cold lips on your face.

Rose garden

Tea farm


Thursday, January 27, 2011

天天好天....Great Day~~~

"In our society nowadays, in pursue of a better living standard, most of us spent all our time prioritizing money and career. We forgot that family and relationship is something of vast importance to our life."
Kuala Perlis
         When the pressures and worries of life are weighing you down, it's important to have some place you can go to escape, one spot that can ease your mind. For me, that place is the paddy field which near to my hostel.
         Everyday wake up is a brand new life. Ones you walk through the path of nature, you will receive a warm welcoming smile by the surrounding. The first warm feeling when I step on the paddy field are birds begin singing their little morning songs and from faraway dog starts barking for their breakfast.
         In that moment, I stop to close my eyes, feeling the wind caress my skin as it whistle pass my ears. I take in a deep breath, and inhale the fresh air along the paddy field. As I exhale, I can feel the weight of my worries leaving me.